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Alan Barnard’s Snowdon Trek Pt 2


🥾 Over the weekend, our Business Development Manager, Alan Barnard & family completed their charity Snowdon Walk 🗺️

A statement from Alan:

“Well we managed to compete the Snowdon Challenge even though I twisted my ankle 2 days before having to do the climb and had to walk it with a heavily bandaged ankle (which helped but it was still quite a challenge).

We were blessed with some glorious sunshine on the day and some amazing views, although when we got to the top I had to climb the last few steps on my hands/knees because of the ice/snow which made I a bit treacherous.

We did it in quite a good time  . . .  6.5hrs plus an half hour at the top queuing to get to the peak then taking a lunch break starting at 6.30am getting back at 1.30pm.

At the moment I have £1,050 donated via the JustGiving website, plus I have at least another £200 in cash still to bank which should take the total for Dementia UK to around £1250  . . .  which I am quite pleased with.”

MASSIVE congratulations Alan for raising over £1000 for Dementia UK ✔️

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