Project Details
- SCR Technology for Severn Trent
- United Kingdom
About Severn Trent:
There are 12 water/sewerage companies across the UK (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland), Severn Trent being one of the largest covering a region from the Bristol Channel to the Humber and from the Welsh Border to the East Midlands providing two billion litres of water their eight million customers every day.
With Carbon Emissions and Net Zero being at the forefront of the UKs environmental Policies in
recent years, Severn Trent in 2019 set themselves a bold ambition, which they named as their “Triple Pledge” which was to achieve Net Zero Carbon Emissions, transfer to 100% renewable energy/resources and convert their entire fleet to clean vehicles all by 2030.

Upgrading of 12 off Standy Generator sets over 2 phases 2020/2021:
Phase 1 – 2020
Netheridge 2 x MTU20V4000
Mythe 1 x MTU20V4000
Tittesworth 1 x Cummins KTA38
Tittesworth 1 x Cummins KTA50
Leek 1 x Cummins KTA38
Bellington 1 x Volvo TWD1643
Childswickam 1 x Volvo TWD1640
Neachley 1 x Paxman 12YHX
Phase 2 – 2021
Shelton 1 x MTU20V2000
Sugarbrook 1 x MTU20V4000
Monkmoor 1 x Cummins KTA50

Designs for 4 x MTU20V4000 Generators (Netheridge, Mythe & Sugarbrook):

Designs for Cummins KTA38 and KTA50 Generators (Tittesworth, Leek and Monkmoor):

Once commissioned the KTA50 Engine at Monkmoor Site was seen to have reduced Engine Out NOx (NOx1) from 1655ppm to 88ppm (NOx2) at Tailpipe (99mg/Nm3@15% O2) a reduction of almost 95%.
The total allowable limit for MCPD is 190mg/Nm3@15%O2 which meant we were almost 50% below the allowable limit. Similar results were seen at Tittesworth and leek with NOx reductions between -90% to -95% on all of the KTA38 & KTA50 Engines.
Designs for Volvo 1640/1643 Generators (Bellington and Childswickham):
The Bellington Generator was a SDMO with Volvo 1640 Engine sited with the plantroom SCR Design as below:

Designs for Paxman 12YHX Engine (Neachley):

Designs for MTU20V2000 Engine (Shelton):

When commissioned the NOX was reduced from 1050ppm (NOx 1) to just 130ppm(NOx 2) which
is equivalent to 160mg/Nm3@15%O2 a total NOx reduction of -88%.

About the SCR System:
How the SCR System Works:
The SCR system comprises of the following components:
- SCR+ASC Catalysts
- MAP Sensor (Air Intake Pressure) or CanBus!
- Exhaust Temperature Sensor
- NOx sensors (Engine Out and Tailpipe)
- AdBlue Pump – RPU
- AdBlue Injector
- Backpressure Sensor
- AdBlue Buffer Tank
- Speed Sensor (RPM) or CanBus Signal

SCR/ASC Catalysts:
NOx Sensors:
Data Logging:
- Date/Time/Work Time
- Exhaust Gas Temperatures
- Air Intake Pressure / Air Intake Temp
- AdBlue Level/AdBlue Injection Pressure / Ad Blue Consumption
- Injection Status – On or Off and Pump Status – On or Off
- Injection Time On/Injection Time Off
- NOx – Engine Out/Tailpipe
- Airflow In/Airflow Out (Exhaust)
- Any Error Codes